Title: The First MarkAuthor: Olivia BowSeries: The Honeypot #1Release Date: 21 April 2018Pages: 24Serenity has three objectives: seduce Troy, copy his phone, and get the...
Title: The Odd JobAuthor: Olivia BowSeries: The Honeypot #2Release Date: 30 April 2018Pages: 38Millions of dollars don’t go as far as you’d think. At least,...
Title: The Big DealAuthor: Olivia BowSeries: The Honeypot #3Release Date: 5 May 2018Pages: 30Corporate espionage is a lot harder than Serenity thought it would be,...
Title: The Golden BoyAuthor: Olivia BowSeries: The Honeypot #4Release Date: 17 May 2018Pages: 34Serenity’s new objective is simple: Make Jake, the son of billionaire-CEO Harper...